Total Cost of Access

Improving Equality

Planet Earth is a beautiful place to live, abundant with all sorts of natural resources. It provides everything one needs to live a good life, however, human interference has caused serious imbalance when it comes to the distribution of both natural and artificial resources between populations. Providing access to is a first step in the process of closing gaps between the ones who take for granted the availability of resources for granted and the ones who fight for it, every single day.

Total Cost of Ownership

The cost to create, design, market, and sell products and service are only parts of the total cost of their total life cycle. This business related term is referred to as the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). “A calculation of all the costs involved in buying and using a product over time.” Similarly, the required effort to obtain essential needs in life – which varies greatly between populations – is only a fraction of the Total Cost of Access (TCOA) from the beginning to the end.


Everything you do comes at a cost. Being aware of the impact of your choices is of the utmost importance. If you consume, you want to make sure it does not have negative consequences for anyone else, right? If you consume, you do not want it to have a negative impact on the environment. The purpose of providing and improving access to essential services and products is to contribute to a sustainable place to live, for every member of the Earth’s society, regardless of its species.

Discover your TCOA

In order for you to understand the impact of improved Total Cost of Access, we have designed a tool to measure your very own TCOA for a number of products and services. Let’s get started and find out how you can help!

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